Archives for August 2020

Hoping to Seize on UAE-Israel Deal, Pompeo and Kushner Head East in Search of New Allies for Israel

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and Trump adviser Jared Kushner are hitting the road in an attempt to strong-arm more Arab states into normalizing relations with Israel, turning their backs on Palestine and isolating Iran.

Pompeo Kushner Israel

U.S. Secretary of State, Mike Pompeo and unelected advisor to President Donald Trump, Jared Kushner, are embarking on a tour of the Middle East beginning with a stop in Israel to discuss "regional security issues related to Iran's malicious influence" with Prime Minister Netanyahu, followed by visits to Sudan, Bahrain and now official U.S. partner,

New Survey Highlights Effectiveness of Anti-China COVID Rhetoric

A new YouGov survey reveals the real effects that Anti-China rhetoric is having on shaping public perception and the reality of COVID-19’s impact on the world.

Anti China COVID Feature photo

A new survey published today highlights the vast gaps between public perception and the reality of the impact of COVID-19 on the world. The survey, conducted by YouGov across eight Western nations — the United States, the United Kingdom, Germany, France, Spain, Italy, Sweden and Denmark — asked around 10,000 participants to rank the impact that the

The Tribulations of Triangulation: Few Options for Belarus Amid a Color Revolution

Belarus shows that any small state with a mildly socialist system and independent foreign policy invites subversion by the Yankee hegemon and its collaborators.

A “color revolution” is a media term for a movement based on legitimate grievances only to be co-opted into a regime change operation backed by the US and confederates. There have been so many – Georgia in 2003, Ukraine in 2004, Kyrgyzstan in 2005 – that they have run out of colors. Belarus is amidst the “slipper” color revolution.   The

“Paid Vacation” for Kenosha Cops Who Shot Unarmed Jacob Blake in the Back

Being in the midst a summer of unprecedented racial and political unrest was apparently not enough to stop Kenosha police from emptying seven rounds into the back of yet another unarmed black man.

Kenosha Wisconsin Feature photo

The police officers responsible for shooting unarmed black man Jacob “Jake” Blake yesterday have been placed on administrative leave, Wisconsin Attorney General Josh Kaul confirmed today. The officers involved in what Kaul terms an “officer involved shooting” were said to be cooperating with investigations, according to police. This, for many, was

Diana Johnstone’s “Circle in the Darkness” Gives an Insider’s View Into Media Manipulation

A pillar of the antiwar movement, Diana Johnstone provides critical insights from her time working in Associated Press and AFP newsrooms in the US and Europe and much more.

Diana Johnstone Feature photo

Diana Johnstone has written a compelling and insightful book. It is mostly a review and analysis of significant events from the past 55 years and concludes with her assessment of different trends that are being debated on the Left today, including "identity politics,” Antifa, and censorship. This is a book to be read, enjoyed, and discussed The

Just “Arabs killing Arabs”: Israel’s Inaction Over Palestinian Murders Gets Frustrated Moms Marching

In 2019, there were 138 murder cases throughout the state of Israel. Out of those, 93 were Palestinian citizens of Israel, a community that makes up only 20 percent of Israeli citizens.

Israel Mothers for Life Movement Feature photo

Bilal Yousef, a Palestinian producer and writer from the town of Dabburiya, semt me the following message, “We walked for six days, from Haifa to Jerusalem. Calling it difficult is an understatement!.” Yousef is a Palestinian citizen of Israel who has made several award-winning documentaries, among them a film he produced for Al Jazeera called