Archives for January 2020

Yemen: Saudi Coalition Claims ‘Tactical Withdrawal” After Houthi Forces Retake Key Province

Saudi forces have called their defeat in the face of the Houthi advance a “tactical withdrawal” amid scathing criticism and sarcasm by activists and media pundits.

Houthi Yemen Feature photo

MARIB, YEMEN -- The Saudi-led Coalition escalated its military operations in Yemen over the weekend, targeting Nihm, Jawf, Marib and Bayda with a barrage of indiscriminate airstrikes that left tens of civilians dead and caused a new wave of displacement. On Thursday, the coalition and its allies launched a new military campaign against the Nihm

Israel’s Auschwitz Commemoration: A Kidnapping of Jewish history

Miko Peled reflects on the Israeli government’s politicization of Jewish suffering during the 75th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz.

Israel Auschwitz Feature photo

As world leaders gathered in Jerusalem to commemorate the 75th anniversary of the liberation of the Auschwitz death camp, Zochrot, an Israeli NGO that works to raise awareness among Israeli Jews of the injustices faced by Palestinians, posted a comment on their Facebook page. The post, written in Hebrew, reminded visiting world leaders that the

Former Brazilian President Lula da Silva: Obama, Hillary Ordered Me Not to Negotiate with Iran

“I remember that Hilary Clinton worked hard against my idea to go to Iran. She even called the Emir of Qatar and asked him to convince me not to go. When I arrived in Moscow and met with [Dmitry] Medvedev, I found out Obama had called and asked him to help convince me not to go.”

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He was the world’s most popular leader. Now he is “the world’s most prominent political prisoner” according to American political philosopher Noam Chomsky. From extremely humble beginnings as a peanut seller and a shoeshine boy on Brazil’s streets, Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva rose to become president of his nation in 2002. Yet he is now being kept

Houthis Anticipate US Assassination Attempts, Warn US Troops Will Be Targeted in Retaliation

The U.S. recently admitted that it tried and failed to kill an Iranian commander in Yemen, sparking both fear and mobilization among Yemen’s Houthis.

Yemen Houthi assassination

As tensions in the Middle East continue to rise, there are indications that Donald Trump's administration is planning to carry out assassination operations against high-ranking Houthi officials inside of Yemen similar to the U.S. assassination of Iranian Revolutionary Guard General, Qassem Soleimani, a move likely to open the door for further

Enormous Crowds at Iraq’s Million Man March Tell America to Leave for Good

An estimated 2.5 million Iraqis descended on Baghdad to stage a “Million Man March” calling for an end to the nearly 17 year-long U.S. occupation of their country.

Iraq US troops Feature photo

People from all over Iraq have descended upon its capital Baghdad, heeding the call from influential Shia cleric Muqtada al-Sadr for a “million man march” calling for an end to the nearly 17 year-long U.S. occupation of the country. Images from the event show seas of peaceful crowds walking together through the city center. Sayed Sadiq al-Hashemi,

Three Years into Trump’s Presidency, What’s Left of the American Left?

Democrats, despite their attempts at impeachment and boisterous haranguing of all things Trump, have consistently supported the President’s “defense” policy and destruction of what remains of America’s social safety nets.

America Left Feature photo

On January 20, Donald J. Trump completed his third year in office. I predicted in 2016, in a blog post that received considerable traction on social media, that Trump would lose his bid for America's highest office. I was spectacularly wrong but not alone. Even the Las Vegas bookies thought Clinton was a shoo-in with her unbeatable two-punch