Archives for May 2019

The Middle East Conflicts Wall Memorial: What Illinois Bikers Know That Washington Doesn’t

Andrew Bacevich on the sole memorial for those who have fought in our now almost 18-year-old war on terror — never actually a coherent “war” but a spreading set of conflicts, upheavals, and chaos of every sort.

Middle East Conflicts Wall Memorial

Earlier this month, I spent a day visiting Marseilles to videotape a documentary about recent American military history, specifically the ongoing wars that most of us prefer not to think about. Lest there be any confusion, let me be more specific. I am not referring to Marseilles (mar-SAY), France, that nation’s largest port and second largest

Yemen’s Houthis Deliver on Promise to Target Saudi Soil With Drone Strikes on Najran Airport

The attack is the fourth in a 300-target blitz promised by Yemen’s Houthis until Saudi Arabia ceases its war on Yemen.

Yemen Houthi Najran

NAJRAN-SAUDI ARABIA -- The Saudi-led Coalition's war on Yemen shows little sign of dwindling, and now over four years after it began, its borders are increasingly fluid as Yemen’s Houthi movement increasingly takes the fight to Saudi Arabia’s soil. Last Monday, the Houthis announced that amid increasingly grim prospects for peace they would

US Economic War on Venezuela Targets CLAP Food Program Relied on by Millions

While the U.S. likes to characterize its regime-change efforts in Venezuela as humanitarian in nature, the targeting of officials involved in a program that so many ordinary Venezuelans rely on reveals that the U.S. aims to install opposition leader Juan Guaido by any means necessary.

Venezuela Sanctions Hunger

CARACAS, VENEZUELA -- The U.S. government is preparing to levy sanctions against officials associated with Venezuela’s food subsidy program known as CLAP, the latest in a long list of unilateral coercive measures against the country. The new sanctions follow a report by the Center for Economic Policy Research, which stated that 40,000

What Could Be More “Fun” than Covering the Pentagon and All Its “Toys”? Asks the New York Times

The fact is that such naked gushing over all that lethal Pentagon hardware is perfectly okay from someone with Helene Cooper’s racial/gender/national profile. It’s amazing what you can say if you’re only diverse enough.

F-35 reporters

Every day, on page A2, the New York Times runs an excruciating feature called "Inside the Times,” wherein one of its reporters tells us (as the feature ought to be entitled) "What It's Like to Be Me at the New York Times." Such narcissistic burbling is so empty, and so much less enlightening than the news we should be getting from that skimpy

From Golden Boy to “Deflated:” The Media Trajectory of Juan Guaido

While the U.S. contends that “all options are on the table,” the media is starting to take notice of Guaido’s repeated failures.

Venezuela | Juan Guaido

CARACAS, VENEZUELA -- At first, Venezuelan opposition leader Juan Guaido was characterized by the mainstream media as the eighth wonder of the world. But now, after his failed military revolt, it seems ‘Coupbama’ (as Guaido is known) is being treated more harshly by the press. In the immediate aftermath of the attempted military coup, the

A US Military Veteran and ‘Aid Volunteer’ Sends Death Threat to Venezuela Embassy Defenders

Far-right Venezuelan opposition activist Luis Medina, a former US Marine and volunteer for Juan Guaido’s aid stunt, told CODEPINK embassy defenders “we are coming to get you with plenty of ammunition.”

Luis Medina

Grayzone --  A far-right Venezuelan opposition activist emailed a death threat to human rights activists from the peace group CODEPINK. The threat was delivered when CODEPINK was helping to protect the Venezuelan government’s embassy in Washington, DC from an illegal takeover by Juan Guaidó’s US-backed coup administration. This rabid opposition