Archives for April 2019

Muslims and the Working Class: France’s Marginalized and Natural Yellow Vest Allies

Yellow Vests and Muslims are the two largest groups in France which suffer from socioeconomic marginalization – and there is no doubt that they will be open political allies, eventually.

France Yellow Vests

Even though the Yellow Vest anti-government movement is historic in scope, duration and intensity, and even though Muslims comprise 5-10% of France’s population, there has been almost zero media coverage of the interplay between these two forces. Check Google in French or English and you truly find almost nothing. I have been waiting and waiting

Hawkish Think Tanks Launch Offensive Against China’s Alternative to Western “Development”

Think tanks like the Center for a New American Security are on the offensive as China kicks off its Belt and Road Forum in Beijinghoping to offer the world an alternative to the decades-long neo-colonialist policies of the West.

China New Silk Road

The second Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation is about to open in Beijing. It will take place from 25th to 27th April, 2019. The Chinese President Xi Jinping is expected to deliver the keynote address. It is expected to be an event of tremendous proportions and importance: leaders from 37 countries will participate, including

Venezuelan Opposition Reps Throw Temper Tantrums When Confronted About Lack of Legitimacy, Interventionist Plans at OAS

At the OAS, two top representatives of Juan Guaido’s US-backed shadow government – Gustavo Tarre and David Smolansky – lost their cool when confronted with critical questions. Both recently attended a closed-door DC meeting on a US military assault.

OAS | Venezuela

Grayzone -- On April 23, the Venezuelan lawyer and opposition activist Gustavo Tarre stood outside the Simon Bolivar room inside the Organization of American States (OAS) in Washington DC and fielded friendly questions from reporters. It was a rare day of celebration for the Venezuelan opposition, which had been deprived of concrete victories

US & Its Afghan Trainees Now Killing More Civilians than the Taliban

The Trump administration has increasingly relied on bombing missions in an attempt to turn the tide in Afghanistan, where the Taliban has been able to gain more and more land under its control in recent years.

Afghanistan | civilian casualties

KABUL, AFGHANISTAN -- For the first time in recorded history, the U.S. and the Afghan government, whose forces are trained by Americans, killed more civilians than did the Taliban in the first quarter of 2019, according to a United Nations report. Increased bombing campaigns by the U.S. and increasingly reckless search operations by pro-government

Human Rights Watch Report Reveals Major Free-Speech Impact of Anti-BDS Movement

Human Rights Watch has been subjected to intense backlash by Israel and its supporters, including a number of state governments, for its role in publicizing the home rental company Airbnb’s operations in the illegally occupied West Bank.

The Israeli Jewish-settlement of Maale Adumim, near Jerusalem, Feb. 7, 2017. (AP/Oded Balilty)

Seventy-eight percent of Americans live in states that have laws or policies against boycotting Apartheid Israel or Israeli settlements, which are illegal under international law, according to a new report from Human Rights Watch (HRW). The report details the immense price Americans pay when exercising their free speech via their purchasing power

More Gov’t Hooks in Social Media: Facebook Hires Patriot Act Co-Author While Trump Jawbones Twitter CEO

Facebook’s recent controversial hire may give a boost to efforts to “break up” Facebook and other social media giants, such as Senator Elizabeth Warren’s (D-MA) recent call to take antitrust action against some of Silicon Valley’s largest companies, including Facebook and Twitter.

Facebook | surveillance

The U.S. government-social media nexus appears to be tightening. Earlier this week, President Donald Trump held a closed-door meeting with Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey. Just days prior, the other top social-media network, Facebook, hired Jennifer Newstead, a former legal adviser to Trump’s state department who had previously co-authored the