Archives for November 2018

Pro-Israel Groups Attack Rand Paul for Blocking $38 Billion to Israel

Senator Rand Paul is facing immense pressure from Israel lobby groups over his attempts to block a $38 billion aid package to Israel.

Rand Paul | Israel Lobby

The Free Beacon reports that “pro-Israel groups in America are mobilizing against Sen. Rand Paul (R., Ky.) for blocking the continuation of U.S. aid to Israel.” Paul has placed a “block” on legislation to give Israel $38 billion over the next 10 years – $23,000 per every Jewish Israeli family of four. This is the largest military aid package in

Bolton and Rubio Keep Pushing the “Sonic Attacks” Tale

Coinciding with the entry into the arena of the ultra-reactionary and shadowy politician John Bolton, the press began to resurrect the issue of the so-called sonic attacks.

Cuba United States Sonic Attacks

There has been an intense and extensive media campaign that involved a group of U.S. officials accredited as diplomats at the U.S. Embassy in Havana with strange acoustic attacks. Their origin and actors could not be identified, and then Washington decided to reduce the staff of its representation in Cuba. This had a big impact on consular,

UN Announces $9.2M in Sanctions Relieving Aid to Venezuela

The medical and nutritional supplies will reinforce existing UN support for government social programs targeting pregnant women, young children, and HIV carriers.

UNICEF | Venezuela

The United Nations Central Emergency Response Fund (CERF) has assigned US $9.2 million during the month of November to reinforce existing efforts to alleviate the impact of Venezuela’s economic downturn, UN officials announced Monday. The funding, most of which has already been disbursed, will target sectors hardest hit by US-led sanctions, such

Judge Delays Decision Whether to Unseal Assange Criminal Complaint

The assistant US attorney argued that it is merely speculation that there are already charges against Assange based on anonymous press sources, even though a mistakenly published paragraph clearly speaks of the “fact that Assange has been charged.”

WikiLeaks | Katie Townsend

A decision whether to unseal U.S. government charges against Julian Assange was delayed for a week by Judge Leonie Brinkema in the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Virginia on Tuesday. In her comments to the court, Judge Brinkema appeared to be siding with the government’s argument that there is no legal precedent for a

Sick Of Facebook? Read This.

Now is the time to defend the remnants of the Information Revolution. In the streets and online, we need to hear and uplift voices for radical and progressive change. Take off the corporate gag, close the social media surveillance blinds, and shift.

Faebook Mural

I didn’t realize you were still doing your show!” “Why can’t I see your posts anymore?” “I’ve had to re-follow you several times on Facebook.” These are but a few of the various comments and complaints about my Facebook page that I’ve fielded the past two years. With growing regularity and intensity, the cheery blue “F” has fucked over radical

IDF’s Apparent War Crime of “Perfidy” Breeds Suspicion of Aid Workers in Gaza

The IDF’s decision to disguise itself as members of humanitarian organizations has now placed all such workers within Gaza under suspicion.

Israel Palestine

GAZA CITY -- Soldiers involved in a botched Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) raid on Hamas military leadership in Gaza earlier this month impersonated humanitarian aid workers in the Palestinian enclave, according to recent Israeli media reports. Impersonating humanitarian aid workers for the purposes of conducting a military operation is a violation