Archives for November 2013

New Tax Return Shows Karl Rove’s Group Spent Even More On Politics Than It Said

GOP strategist Karl Rove’s dark money tax return specified grants would be used for social welfare but most went to political activities.

On its 2012 tax return, GOP strategist Karl Rove’s dark money behemoth Crossroads GPS justified its status as a tax-exempt social welfare group in part by citing its grants of $35 million to other similarly aligned nonprofits. (Here’s the tax return itself, which we detailed last week.) The return, signed under penalty of perjury,specified that

Wave of Black Friday Strikes Kicks Off As Walmart CEO Steps Down

Making Change at Walmart: “The movement of low-wage workers has taken off in 2013.”

Ahead of what is being called the largest day of action yet against Walmart on the upcoming Black Friday shopping extravaganza, a wave of strikes against the retail giant have already begun. Workers in Miami, Florida and Brooklyn Center, Minnesota walked off the job Monday following actions in Tampa on Saturday and strikes in Sacramento, Dallas,

‘Catastrophic’: War In Syria Has Killed Over 11,000 Children

‘This grim and terrible record also shows why a sustainable peace, not more bombs and bullets, is the only way to guarantee the safety of children.’

A new report reveals one of the staggering costs of 30 months of war in Syria: over 11,000 children have died. The report from the London-based think tank Oxford Research Group (ORG),Stolen Futures: The Hidden Toll of Child Casualties in Syria, finds that the biggest killer was explosives, being responsible for 71% of deaths. Small arms fire

‘It’s Intimidating. And It’s Free’: Iraq War Surplus Militarizing US Police

AP exclusive finds 165 MRAP vehicles used in Iraq handed to local police departments.

Weapons of occupation are coming to cities and towns across the United States after the Department of Defense handed 165 military fighting vehicles formerly used in Iraq to local law enforcement as part of a military surplus program. This transfer of military weaponry, reported in an Associated Press exclusive on Monday, will send mine resistant

Radioactive Waste From Bakken Oil Fields Sent to Montana Landfill

The state’s role as host to radioactive waste has some residents concerned that it could lead to future health issues.

Since June, about half of all the oil-field waste generated by the Bakken oil fields in North Dakota has been sent to what some industry officials call a state-of-the-art facility in Montana that is reportedly capable of disposing naturally occurring radioactive material. Known as the Oaks Disposal Services landfill in Lindsay, Mont., the

ALEC’s Proposal Threatens To Bypass Primaries, Weaken Voters In Electing Senators

Enfranchisement Act gives legislatures power to place Senate candidates on ballot without party approval.

In recent years, the American Legislative Exchange Council has been responsible for authoring some of the most controversial laws currently on the books -- including the “Animal and Ecological Terrorism Act,” which recognizes certain acts of property destruction, intimidation and civil disobedience from environmental and animal rights activists,