Archives for May 2013

Heard Of Something Called ‘Keystone XL’? Half Of Americans Haven’t

A recent poll shows that 50 percent of Americans are unfamiliar with the controversial pipeline plan that would stretch across the country.

Despite years of major media headlines and political infighting over the Keystone XL pipeline, half of all Americans still haven’t heard of the project, according to a recent public opinion survey. TransCanada’s $5.3 billion Keystone XL pipeline project has been in the news for years. Since the project was first proposed in 2008, it has been

Will The New York City Council Put An End To ‘Stop-And-Frisk’?

Not if Mayor Bloomberg has anything to say about it.

New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg is pushing back against members of the city council who want to pass legislation expanding the definition of “biased-based profiling.” Bloomberg and other opponents of the bill object to expanding existing laws that prohibit discrimination against marginalized populations. The bill takes aim at the

Big Oil Eyes Shawnee National Forest In Illinois

Concerns come in spite of a permanent injunction a federal judge filed against resource extraction in the National Forest.

It’s known as the Garden of Gods, and for those who frequent the Shawnee National Forest, there’s a reason for that. Treasured for its nearly 300,000 acres of rolling bluffs, lakes, streams and forests, it’s a mecca for the state’s nature enthusiasts, providing miles of hiking trails and some of the nation’s most pristine fishing sites. Now that

Report Shows Increased Commitment In Federal Prosecution Of Indian Reservation Criminals

American Indian leaders who criticized the government for years over the way it handled major crimes on reservations will soon mark progress.

FLAGSTAFF, Ariz. — American Indian leaders who criticized the federal government for years over the way authorities handled major crimes on reservations will soon mark progress with the release of newly tracked statistics from the U.S. Justice Department. Federal prosecutions of cases from Indian Country increased by 54 percent between fiscal

North Korean Escapees Forced To Return Home, To Rights Groups’ Concern

Nine North Korean refugees have been forced to return home after escaping to Laos, drawing protests from human rights groups.

Nine North Korean refugees have been forced to return home after escaping to Laos, drawing protests from human rights groups and concern from the US. The defectors, the oldest aged 23 and the youngest just 15, were arrested in Laos three weeks ago. They were sent to China on Monday and flown to Pyongyang the following day, reportedly accompanied

Anonymous Hacker Jeremy Hammond Pleads Guilty To Stratfor Leak

The leak suggested that Stratfor had spied on nonviolent activists for Dow Chemical and monitored Occupy Wall Street protests for the DHS.

Internet activist and hacker Jeremy Hammond, 28, pleaded guilty in a federal court on Tuesday for his role in a campaign that accessed sensitive information and publicized internal emails from the private intelligence firm Stratfor. Hammond will now await sentencing that could force him to serve as much as 10 years in prison and pay up to $2.5